


JR East sells a Suica fare card, called "Suica & N'EX", exclusively to foreign visitors at a cost of ¥3500. The cost includes a one-way, discounted ¥1500 fare on the Narita Express and regular JR lines from the airport to any destination in the Tokyo metropolitan area; ¥1500 to use on rail travel in Tokyo or on purchases at locations that accept the Suica card, and a ¥500 deposit. The "Suica & N'EX" card is sold only at Narita Airport, and can be purchased using cash or credit card. It can also be recharged with additional funds, but only by paying cash. (As an example, under this fare a one-way trip on the Narita Express from the airport to Shinjuku would cost only ¥1500, compared to the normal fare of ¥3110, but keep in mind that you will have to pay the normal fare to use the Narita Express for your return trip to the airport.)



これ、永住権持ちの日本人はだめですよ。 最近JR関西パスや山陽パスも永住権持ってるからって買おうとする輩がいますが、あなたは日本人だからだめなんです。


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